Sunday, February 13, 2011

Even Process Engineering?

This morning as I was having my quiet time, I began to write about how everything points to God. The passage was talking about idol worship and I was combating that by saying that giving glory to anything other than God is wrong, because everything points to him and exists for his glory. Not crazy deep, but true.

Then I wrote out a questions that I have been struggling with for a while : "Even Process Engineering?"

That is what I do. I am a Process Engineer. That means that I engineer chemical-type processes. This includes everything from the chemistry of the plant, to determining how big a pump needs to be to get fluid from point A to point B, to meeting with other types of engineers to work out issues and questions. I have only been doing this for 5 weeks now, so my role to this point has been determining the size of pumps and tanks in the plant...Don't be fooled, it isn't as crazy fun as it sounds. No really, I know it sounds comparable to a week at Disney World, but's not.

Well, in this mundane role I have begun to question how God gets any glory from this. How does my work here, now, sizing this pump, give God any glory and advance his Kingdom?

Well, this morning when I asked myself this question, here's the answer I wrote out:
Yes. We are creating, like God. We are using the physical laws of our Lord to create a process that works every time. We relate with other people, who were made in the image of God, and who are loved by him just as I am.  So yes, even Process Engineering points back to God.
I'm not going to say that everything makes perfect sense now and that all is great! But I do feel more at peace. I do acknowledge God's ways more. And I think I can work with more purpose and joy knowing that God does receive glory from even the simplest tasks. 

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