Thursday, November 10, 2011

Empty Calculations

The other day my boss was talking about a company he had done a job for. He was talking about how the work he had done was so foolish. All the calculations were just busy work and simply stupid. They would have assumptions that did not make sense and messed up the whole calculation. And they didn't care as long as it looked like they did a lot of work.

My boss made a point to say that this company wasn't a bad company because they didn't spend money on safety and calculations, but because they spent tons of money but it was directed at the wrong things. This company, according to him, spends almost more than any of their competitors in the very places that they are worse at.

That is when I thought of a blog post. It reminded of the religious in our time (and Jesus'). They spend a lot of effort on the doing the right thing. No one can deny that they are really trying hard to be good. In fact they are trying harder than most. They are expending so much energy and effort to get to this place of right standing with God. Yet, they are not righteous. Their good deeds do not cover over their sins. They are still evil sinners who have no place before our holy God. And it isn't because they don't try.

Yet God doesn't expect us to earn anything. He knows that we are not capable. He knows that we can not do anything to be righteous, and he has planned for that. He doesn't want us to work for our salvation. That is why he sent Jesus. Rather, we are to trust in his grace to work in us to do good. I am not saying that we are to be bad and not work to do good. But God wants our good work to be found in his glorious grace.

Today, are you like that company my boss did a job for who is looking toward their effort to be seen as good? Are you expecting to be rewarded for having done more or performed better? Or are you looking to the cross? Knowing full well that your only hope is outside of yourself. Knowing that only be the grace of God are you even able to be counted as righteous. Is your good work coming out of a heart of praise?

These are questions that I have been asking myself. I hope they help you look at your life from a different angle.

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